My Unpopular Interior Design Opinions

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Everybody likes something different in their home which is the beauty of interior design. From fluffy cushions, to statement rugs, or leather furniture, getting to design your home should be a fun experience.
With that in mind, today I’m talking about my unpopular interior design opinions! These are the types of things in homes that are simply not for me.
Before we get into it, these are completely my own opinions. If you disagree, that's completely fine! This is just a fun article to share the aspects of homes that I just can’t get on board with (at least for now, anyway).
If you agree, disagree, or have controversial design opinions of your own, I would love to hear them! Feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this blog post sharing your own thoughts.
Without further ado, here are my unpopular interior design opinions.
1. Unique Home Decor is Expensive
When thinking of controversial design opinions, the first opinion that comes to mind is that home decor has to be expensive.
Opting to choose small businesses over purchasing home decor from places such as Amazon can actually be far cheaper than you think.
When looking for unique home decor, your best bet is to hop straight onto Pinterest. You’ll be surprised how much you can find there.
A lot of people link their Etsy stores to their Pinterest, so you can find a bunch of different unique pieces. This is also a really great way to support small businesses!
Here at Boutique Handle Co, we create unique door knobs, door handles, and door decorations. All for an affordable price!
Antique brass cabinet pull from The Boutique Handle Co | Door handle collection from The Boutique Handle Co coming soon!
2. Photos Are Outdated
Have you noticed that there are fewer photos in homes?
This is one of those design trends that I think will make a huge comeback, but for now, photos almost seem outdated.
Think about it. When was the last time that you saw a picture frame or a collage of photos in a home? Nowadays, people like a more minimalistic look but a couple of years ago, photos in homes were everywhere.
Personally, I think that photos make a house a home. Plus, I think that it can be done in a tasteful way.
Instead of opting for wooden frames on mantelpieces, having Polaroids featured in bedrooms or sleek black framed photos on walls can have a far nicer effect.
3. Minimalism Is Overrated
Don’t get me wrong, I think there is a time and place for minimalism and it can really help to make a room feel more spacious. However, I almost feel like it’s taking the fun out of our homes!
I feel people often stray away from wanting to add unique home decor to their homes because they don’t want people to think their home is cluttered. But for me, I love it when people have houses that tell a story.
Having pops of colour, unique ornaments from peculiar locations, or souvenirs from family holidays are what bring a home to life.
Darcy standing lamp with brass tray from Pooky | Wooden Garland Accessory from Layered Lounge
4. All White Homes
Do you know those homes where you’re worried to even move around in? Those homes need to go!
White fabrics, white leather, white walls, white furniture it’s just all too much. I love a house that looks lived in.
A pop of colour can go along the way! Whether the colour is on the walls or you choose colourful cushions instead, I just don’t think we should be afraid of colour anymore!
Plus, there's so much science to back up that the more colour we have in our homes, the more it can improve our moods. Pale blues and greens can make you feel calm and yellows and pinks can make us feel energised!
5. Grey Interiors Are Gloomy
A couple of years ago, everybody was obsessed with decorating everything in grey.
You more than likely saw a bunch of grey carpets, grey rugs, and velvet grey headboards in every home that you entered. You may have even been guilty of partaking in this trend yourself too. I know I was…
However, this is a design trend that should never come back.
While there is a time and place for grey in homes, when there is too much, it just feels gloomy.
Now, I do understand the hype around wanting to keep neutral colours in bedrooms to promote a calming effect but warmer beiges and pinks are much more up my street.
Paint from Farrow and Ball. Image 1: yasi.fatollahy Calamine Pink | Image 2: Uncredited Ammonite
6. Books Should Be On Bookshelves
I love to read. With that in mind, when I see bookshelves in homes that do not feature any books it does grind my gears a little bit.
I do think that a few ornaments or plants can pull a bookshelf together, however, I just think the main feature should be books!
Plus, don’t get me started on how people choose to face the books in the wrong direction. I’m not sure what it is about that one, but that drives me crazy too!
Books just make your home feel so much more cosy, especially during the fall and winter months. And it can also inspire you to pick up a healthy habit of reading. That’s a win, win in my opinion.
Key Takeaways
Okay, so those were my unpopular interior design opinions.
For the most part, I can always get on board with any interior design trends. I think that every style can fit in certain people’s homes. However, these are just the ones I don’t think I can ever learn to love.
Did you agree with any of my controversial opinions? Leave me a comment below!
Here at Boutique Handle Co, we have an entire range of affordable door handles, door knobs, and door decorations to elevate your home. Be sure to check out the rest of your site if you’re in the market for some new home decor! If you have any questions about our products, please email me at