How to Build Business Consistency

Successful business owners often talk about the hours and hours that they put in in order to make their business work.
Making business consistency the considered key to success.
However, if you’re currently struggling with making time to show up your business, here are nine ways of how to be more consistent in your business.
What is Business Consistency?
Business consistency is where you continually show up for your business. This means showing up on days that you don’t particularly want to do so or days where things go wrong.
Why is Business Consistency Important?
20% of small businesses fail in the first year. Admittedly, there are many factors that go into a business failing, however lack of business consistency is considered to be one of the main reasons why.
People often overlook how difficult running a business is, and it’s the people that stick it out and continue t be consistent are the business owners that usually gain the results.
Photos: Pinterest
How to be Consistent in Business
With all that being said, here is how to be consistent in business.
1. Set Realistic Goals
One of the easiest ways to build business consistency is to set realistic goals.
Whether in business or in life, if we have goals that will take years and years to achieve, we often lose motivation.
By setting smaller, more manageable goals, when we hit these targets we will be far more motivated to move onto the next goal.
Setting weekly, monthly or quarterly goals and making sure that you find time to reevaluate whether you have hit these goals will help you to stay motivated.
Photo: Unsplash | Christin Hume
2. Define Your Brand Message & Stick to it
Entrepreneurs are often creative minded and tend to go from one idea to the next.
However, by establishing a firm brand message and sticking to it, you will help you to be consistent in creating content for your business.
Avoid changing your brand colours or brand message and remain consistent with your business values.
3. Development Systems & Processes
Another way to build business consistency is by developing systems and processes that automate manual tasks within your business.
You’d be surprised at how much time you spend doing tasks that could be automated!
By automating the smaller tasks, you free up time to work on money generating activities which are far more motivating to complete.
4. Invest in Training & Development
Any time that you have the opportunity to learn a new skill that may benefit your business, you should absolutely do so.
Investing in your learning is a great way to learn practices that increase the success of your business which ultimately make you want to be more consistent.
YouTube is a great place to start or maybe invest in an online course to widen your skillset.
5. Ask for Feedback
Another way to develop more business consistency is by talking about your business to other people and even asking for feedback.
The ideas and feedback that you get from people that you talk to will potentially fuel you to implement new strategies.
Plus, the more that you get your business name out there, the more eyeballs that you will have on your business. This will then motivate you to show up for those people.
Photo: Pexels | Amina Filkins
6. Connect With Other Business Owners
Connecting with other business owners is a really great way to find people who are going through the exact same situation as you are.
You will be surprised to know how similar your stories are despite the product or service that you sell.
Connecting with other business owners can also inspire you to be consistent as you see the work that they put in.
Additionally, you can chat with business owners about the ups and downs of running a business and gain advice and support.
Here at Boutique Handle Co, I run a small business selling boutique handles and door furniture! Sign up to my newsletter to stay connected with the running of my own business!
Photo: Pexels | Alexander Suhorucov
7. Record your progress
Recording your progress will help you to see the improvements that you’re making.
Sometimes when we run a business, we don’t see the minor growth that is happening.
This could be as little as 10 extra followers or 20 extra visits to your website.
By recording your progress each month, you get to see these micro developments which will help you build business consistency.
Photo: Instagram
8. Limit distractions.
We’re all guilty of becoming distracted by our phones or notifications, and not giving our business our full attention.
Dedicate an hour a day or an hour a week, (however much time you can spare) to focusing solely on your business.
During this time you can turn your phone off and make sure that you’re not going to be distracted.
9. Be Patient
Business success doesn’t happen overnight. Although you may see the stories of people being viral successes, this isn’t the case for most businesses.
Keep putting in the work and be patient with the results.
Photo: Digital Raquel and Next Level Agents
Key Takeaways
Knowing that business consistency is the key to this success is both a positive and negative thing. Negative on one side because being consistent takes a lot of patience and a lot of work but positive because we know that if we put in that work, we will gain some form of results.
From setting realistic goals to recording your process and limiting distractions, there are plenty of ways that you can be more consistent in your business.
Most importantly, though, developing patience is one of the main strategies to being consistent.
If you haven’t gained the success within your business that you imagined yet, know that many businesses take years and years to develop real success, this is your own business journey, make sure to enjoy it!