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Is Pinterest Worth it for Business?

Is Pinterest Worth it for Business?

If you’re wondering, ‘Is Pinterest worth it for business?’ Here is my opinion!

Pinterest is one of the biggest tools that you should be utilising in your business. 

The platform has options for you to create product pins as well as pins that will lead your target audience directly to your website.

If you don’t have any idea how to use Pinterest for your business, this guide is for you.

In this post, I go into detail about what exactly Pinterest is, how to use Pinterest product pins and some other ways that you can use Pinterest for your small business.

Let’s get into it!

Is Pinterest Worth it for Business? What You Should Know

Without further ado, here is what you should know about using Pinterest for your business. 

1. How to Use Pinterest for Your Small Business

You should be utilising Pinterest, if you have a small business, simply because people actually go on Pinterest to buy. 

Pinterest is different to other social media platforms as it is much more like a Google search engine. 

When you use Pinterest, you use keywords that will allow the algorithm to understand who is the target audience for your products.

Over 482 million people use Pinterest annually. That’s a huge amount of people that could be seeing your products!

Not only that but Pinterest is evergreen content. This means that the content lasts for far longer than the content you would post on other social media platforms. 

To explain this, when you post on TikTok, the algorithm usually picks it up for about an hour and then views, likes and comments tend to decrease after that. 

However, on Pinterest, you can still gain both impressions and clicks months after you have posted the pain.

2. Post Product Pins

One of the easiest ways to use Pinterest for your small business is to create product pins. 

You can either link directly from places such as Etsy or create individual pins that are linked to your website. There is a little bit of work involved to do this, however, it is well worth it!

Alternatively, you can post images of the products and link to your website. This does add an extra step for your customer, however, you may be able to gain some results.


Photos: Roberto Cortese | Unsplash and The Boutique Handle Co Cornu Collection

3. Post Blog Pins

Another way that you can use Pinterest for your business is by creating blogs on your website. 

When you create blogs on your website, you can link to different products or create blogs about one specific product. 

Then, you can create a pin for that blog and promote it on Pinterest.

When thinking of what blogs to write, make sure that the topics are relevant to what people search on Pinterest. You can find topics within the ‘Trends’ section on Pinterest.

You could also earn extra money by adding affiliate links to the blogs. Therefore, when people click on the pin, they are not only taken to a blog filled with your product links but they will also find relevant affiliate links.

However, it does go without saying that you still need to make these blogs valuable! Don’t just fill them up with links!

Another addition to writing blogs is that they can improve your website's SEO. If you do the SEO correctly, then the keywords that you use within your blogs can help you to rank high on Google. This not only creates website validity but you may gain more sales too. 

4. How Often Should You Be Posting on Pinterest

Once upon a time, you should have been posting on Pinterest up to 20 times per day. However, you’ll be glad to know that Pinterest is now prioritising new fresh content. 

That means that you no longer need to re-pin a bunch of pins or post your pins constantly in group boards. Which small business owners and Pinterest managers will be happy to hear!

Nowadays, posting anywhere between two to four pins on Pinterest will still garner you quite a lot of traffic.

You should also know that if you’re completely new to the platform, impressions and clicks take a while to build up. You should wait around three months before you see any results. 

And I know that three months can seem like a very long time, however, as I said, Pinterest is Evergreen content and this is the type of content that will last for months, potentially even years after posting.


Photos: Fahim Reza | Unsplash and Duane Mendes | Unsplash

5. Should You Be Using Group Boards?

In my opinion, group boards are a thing of the past. 

As I mentioned, Pinterest is looking for fresh content and re-pinning into group boards, is the exact opposite of that. 

Group boards are also difficult to enter as many people have decided against this strategy. However, like anything, you can always try different strategies and see what works for you.

6. What if You Don’t Have Time?

Pinterest should 100% be in your small business strategy, so you should try to make time for it.

To save time, you can schedule Pinterest pins within the app or you can use Tailwind. Tailwind is a third-party app that allows you to post to Pinterest and can save you a bunch of time. 

By using Tailwind, you can batch-schedule pins for the month so that you only have to do this task once a month. 

Alternatively, you can hire a Pinterest manager or a Pinterest virtual assistant who will be able to do this for you. 

Photo: Liza Summer | Unsplash

Key Takeaways

Pinterest is arguably the best platform for small business owners. Not only is it completely free to use but the content you post on the platform lasts far longer than other social media platforms. 

You can also create convenient product opinions so that your audience can buy directly from Pinterest. 

On the other hand, blogs are a great way to add multiple products into the blog as well as affiliate links.

If you’re struggling to get to grips with Pinterest, there are plenty of YouTube videos, courses, and blogs on the topic that you could check out.

So, to answer the question, “Is Pinterest worth it for business?’’ The answer is: YES!

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